Migration of Followers to beyondthesource.org

Dear Souls,

Thank you for your time and desire to follow my work. To this extent I have created a new website, together with the help of my dear friend Matjaz, called www.beyondthesource.org which has enhanced features for buying services and correspondence courses and two forums, one for The Greater Reality where the truth seeker can openly discuss all matters metaphysical, and one for my Traversing the Frequencies (TTF) Students.

To help with the continuity of the flow of information I have migrated my followers to this new site, where I will now concentrate my efforts. The old site (guyneedler.wordpress.com) will close down at the end of May 2015 but will have a new home page broadcasting and linking to the URL of the new site. All old URL’s (www.guystevenneedler.com  etc) will forward the user to the new site automatically.

Thank you for your continued interest and dedication to knowing the truth.




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