Author: Guy Needler

Dear Souls, I am delighted to advise you that the draft cover design of The Anne Dialogues is now available for you to view. Please see below. The Anne Dialogues – communications with the ascended This book is based upon the dialogues I had with my late wife, Anne. The information is based upon what she […]
I was asked by a reader why I was changing direction, why I was withdrawing? I gave this reply, which I feel I should share with you all. Its not a change of direction more a return to core values and quality of information. I felt that I could burn out due to the level […]
This is the second of two additional questions that have Biblical references. Q: Why did Jehovah bring about the 10 plagues of punishment against the Egyptians including the Death of the First Born Children? A: Once again we have a misinterpretation of a catastrophic phenomenon which is attributed to the wrath of Jehovah. Many people […]
Dear Souls, are performing a major promotion on The Origin Speaks and other books for a short period and as a result it is available for $2.34 world wide with free delivery. Link here. Enjoy Namaste Guy
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 23rd July 2016 In Association with The Moore Show. Transcript Namaste Guy
This is the thirteenth of thirteen questions that have Biblical references. Q: Did Jehovah interfere with the law of free will by influencing the world at that time? A: No. We had the option to follow the teachings of Jehovah or go our own way. Clearly following Jehovah would have accelerated the accrual of our own […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga  held on 23rd July 2016 which is now broadcast in allegiance with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel together with suitable graphics. Below is the normal link. As this link […]
This is the twelfth of thirteen questions that have Biblical references. Q: Is Jehovah one of the Original 12 that were divided from the one Origin? A: No. The Entity that is Jehovah is the creation of our creator, Source Entity One (SE1 – As I now call it). It is constrained to the energies of […]
This is the first of two additional questions that have Biblical references. Q: Why did Jehovah Part the Sea for the Israelites to cross it but stopped the Egyptian Army by drowning them? A: The Sea was never parted to help the Israelites escape the Egyptians by Jehovah, it was a rare physical occurrence that helped […]
This is the eleventh of thirteen questions that have Biblical references. Q: Why does Jehovah speak about himself as being a jealous and a vengeful God? A: This is another of mankind’s (those in power and in fear of losing that power!)  use of Gods name to control the populous – by making them obedient. […]
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