When we create we manipulate energy When we heal we manipulate energy When we communicate we manipulate energy When we help others we manipulate energy When we change thought into action we manipulate energy When we use our will we manipulate energy When we travel we manipulate energy When we eat we manipulate energy We manipulate energy […]
Jealousy is a rather invisible method of attracting the lower frequencies as it acts in three ways. Firstly, we can be jealous about what another has “ownership” of, creating an association with the physical by desiring ownership of what someone else owns. Secondly, we can be jealous about what another has “made” of themselves in […]
Be aware of your desires, for they are a route to the lower frequencies. If you desires are relative to things of the physical then they will anchor you to the physical. If your desire is to commune with your creator, your Source Entity – God, then your desire will be a route towards the […]
A more insidious form of karma can be observed in the need to collude. Collusion is that which mankind does to seek favour from others, to be part of “the” team, “the” group or someone of influence, who’s association with, we think will be of benefit to ourselves in some social, business or egotistical way, giving us the “upper […]
Avoid being pulled into gossip. Never start gossip. Gossip is the most effective way to accrue negative karma experienced by mankind.