Category: Deep Frequency Academy – College

Free Lecture Thursday 28th March 7:30pm at Zavedanje on…… “The Ascension Process and the New Earth” – The new earth was first proposed by Dolores Cannon , this lecture takes the understanding further. Venue: Zavedanje – Stara cesta 2 1360, Vrhnika – Slovenia.  Contact Matjaz for more information Email: Tickets are available via THIS […]
I am delighted to announce that I have been awarded “Fellowship” status in the Complementary Medical Association. (FCMA). This is a wonderful compliment to add to the CMA accreditation/recognition of our Healing College, Aquarian Age, and accreditation of our healing courses. Blessings Guy
I am delighted to announce that the Healing College set up by my Chinese Agent, Leo Zhou, and myself, Aquarian Age, (a College by Beyond The Source) has been accepted, approved and recognised by The Complimentary Medical Association (CMA). Additionally the Psycho-Spirituo Alignment and Reprograming (PsAR – China) healing course, also known as Psycho-Spiritual Healing […]
Deep Frequency Academy, a college by Beyond The Source, is a Healing College inaugrated by my Chinese agent, Leo Zhou, and myself. Deep Frequency Academy,  is approved and recognised by The Complimentary Medical Association (CMA). Deep Frequency Academy offers 4 main courses. 1. Psycho-Spirituo Alignment and Reprograming (PsAR – China) Alsoknown as Psycho-Spiritual Healing (PSH […]
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