Category: Messages from the Source Entity

Fear is the barrier the ego uses to keep us from communion with God, as communion with God results in loss of ego.
SE: Don’t be confused with the feeling of “being there” when you start to meditate on communicating with your creator and you experience either “communication” or simply the feeling of “bliss” associated with the “oneness” experience when in communion with me. Unless you you focus on both aspects of “communing and communication” with your creator […]
The Source Entities Ten Commandments of Avoiding Karma 1. Covert not another’s property. Why would you want to do this, especially if the means by which you live could not support it? Live the best you can by the means you have at hand and be content. Remember you are doing the best you can […]
See the light in everyone, and they will see the light in you. By illustrating that we see the light in everyone and everything we also illustrate that we see the good in everyone and everything. Illustrating that you see the light in everyone is a most positive step, it is an addictive quality and […]
It is the light within that is without. Unless you are able to accept that your light is within you will not shine without. When you accept the light within you will be in the knowledge that you are a beautiful being, one with your creator, perfect in every way and that nothing can affect […]
Be Caring – Gain High Frequencies: Care about what you do. Care about what you say. Care about what you eat. Care about what you drink. Care about what you breathe. Care about how you exercise. Care about how you help. Care about how you feel. Care about your relationships. Care about how others feel. […]
I created you to assist in my evolution. To do that which I cannot do efficiently without you. To experience, learn and evolve as a result of working with those frequencies that are my lowest. To work with the finest detail of the physical universe, that which is part of my full and energetic multiverse. […]
That which is seen by the physical eyes is but a microcosm of a microcosm of a microcosm. It is not the real reality, for the physical is a creation, made by me, your Source Entity, to allow you to experience the minute detail of that which I have created, the multiverse you exist within, […]
The sub conscious mind is but a intermediary sub set of that which is the captive energy associated with the physical. In this respect it is just above the conscious mind. The problem here is that the “mind” conscious or sub-conscious is a transient phenomenon which is only in existence whilst incarnate. It is a […]
Event Space is, in effect, the energetic and incarnate entities “personal” creation of a parallel universe (not to be confused with simultaneous universes which are a function of Dimension, Sub-Dimensional component and Frequency), which interfaces with the event space of those around us. In effect the recognizable aspect of the local universe is created by […]
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