Guy on the Inspire Health Living Podcast

Dear Souls,

Please find below the links to the episode of the Inspire Health Podcast were I am interviewed By Jason and Téa and we discuss my thoughts on “Living Freely in an Uncluttered, Unmaterialistic Way”.

Episode Description

Guy S. Needler, author of a dozen or more books including, The History of God, Beyond The Source and Psycho Spiritual Healing joins us once again to share his thoughts on how we can free ourselves from unnecessary clutter in our lives. In these times of challenge and change Guy helps us understand the importance of living a more minimalistic lifestyle. He shows us that we can relieve ourselves of unnecessary stress and responsibility and become much more energized and efficient by decluttering our lives.

Guy’s work helps us circumnavigate our current reality and shine a light on what can be possible. Guy has an incredible ability to tap into the greater reality which can help provide much needed perspective when we feel like we are sitting in the middle of things.


·     Understand what it means to live in an uncluttered way.

·     Discover the two roots to deep dissatisfaction!

·     Discover where you are spending money on things that you don’t actually need.

·     How much are you being affected by mass marketing?

·     Are you able to detach from the programing of what you think you need?

·     Hear Guy’s perspective on where we are in the world right now and where we are moving to.

·     Gain insights into why we clutter our lives with things that we don’t really need.

·     Discover why it is so important to partake in a “Minimalistic Vacation!”

·     Gain a deeper understanding as to how more stuff means more responsibility.

·     Learn how detaching from the physical can help you  connect more to the metaphysical.

Also found via this link to the UK Health Radio which airs their episodes as an audio. This platform has a reach of over 1.4 million. here: 




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