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My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops (Levels 1 & 2) held in Tschiertschen – Switzerland 22nd & 23rd  November 2014. They are: Hui-Ling, Sabrina, Mei-Li, Pei-Chun, Pamela & Cindy They too are now Pioneers in Spiritual Physics!
This is the third of three short blogs is designed to celebrate the life of Dolores Cannon by looking at how the information I have channeled in isolation to Dolores, correlates, and therefore justifies her claims for the two subjects that she was identified with most recently. 3 of 3 Why, if she was supposed […]
Publicado el 24 de febreri del 2014 por  guystevenneedler Queridas Almas Este es el  diecisieteavo  de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores preguntó a la Entidad Fuente  por clarificación acerca de temas de la obscuridad que experimentamos o pensamos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: ¿Antes de encarnar en la Tierra la gente crea […]
Publicado 15 de febrero del 2014 por guystevenneedler Queridas Almas Este es el dieciseisavo de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores preguntó a la Entidad Fuente  por clarificación acerca de temas de la obscuridad que experimentamos o pensamos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: ¿Es la posesión en contra de la ley universal? EF: […]
13 de febrero del 2014 por  guystevenneedler Queridas Almas Este es el  quinceavo de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores preguntó a la Entidad Fuente  por clarificación acerca de temas de la obscuridad que experimentamos o pensamos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: Si una parte de la Entidad Fuente viene de una frecuencia […]
I am delighted to give my Love and sincere congratulations to the Level 3  Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshop, held in Letchworth on 14th November 2014 They are: Preya, Chris, Lilian, Alex, ZU (not pictured) Pictures above  with Preya fellow Level 3 Graduate and my support for 2014 workshops. Blessings Guy
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops (Levels 1 & 2) held in Letchworth on 15th & 16st November 2014. They are: Preya, Lucienne, Hazel, Neyla, Kerry They too are now Pioneers in Spiritual Physics!
This is the second of three short blogs is designed to celebrate the life of Dolores Cannon by looking at how the information I have channeled in isolation to Dolores, correlates, and therefore justifies her claims for the two subjects that she was identified with most recently. 2 of 3 The New Earth Again, during […]
This series of three short blogs is designed to celebrate the life of Dolores Cannon by looking at how the information I have channeled in isolation to Dolores, correlates, and therefore justifies her claims for the two subjects that she was identified with most recently. This is the first of these blogs. The Three Waves […]
Dear Souls, This is the Eighth, and last of a series of eight blogs (4 blogs with 2 parts each blog that will be presented one per week) where I present the basics of the book my late Father-In-Law Dennis Milner, completed just before his ascension – Kosmos.   4b – A Scientific Basis for […]
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