Dear Souls, For those of you that are in the north of the UK over the weekend of 22-23 March 2014, I will be lecturing at the Probe UK conference at 1:45 on the Saturday of the 22nd and holding readings/healing and selling books on both days. Details are below: Website Location: Y.M.C.A. – St.Annes St.Albans […]
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops (Levels 1 & 2 & 3) held in Hong Kong, 7th-9th, March 2014 Blessings Guy
Some Pictures from Guy’s Trip to Bangalore
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops (Levels 1 & 2) held in Bangalore, India on 1st & 2nd March 2014. They are TTF Level 1 Graduates – Sandiip MItthaal, D.P. Cahtterjee, Dr.Nidhi Garrg, Dr.MD.Aslam Mohiuddin, Dr.Harsha.V.Reddy, Dr.Lavanya Kiran, Kiron B. Reddy TTF Level 2 Graduates – Sandiip MItthaal, D.P. Cahtterjee, […]
I am delighted to give my Love and sincere congratulations to the First Level 3 Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops, held in Bangalore, India on 28th February 2014 They are:Sunil Sandeep, Reena Yadav, Elisabeth Mayer, Apurva Rajashekar
Este es el octavo de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores preguntó a la Entidad Fuente por clarificación acerca de temas de la obscuridad que experimentamos o pensamos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: ¿Cuál es la historia de Lucifer y quién era el antes de la creación del lado obscuro? GSN: Esta pregunta […]