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Dear Souls, For those of you that are in the north of the UK over the weekend of 22-23 March 2014, I will be lecturing at the Probe UK conference at 1:45 on the Saturday of the 22nd and holding readings/healing and selling books on both days. Details are below: Website http://www.ukprobe.com/ Location: Y.M.C.A. – St.Annes St.Albans […]
This is the nineteenth of twenty blogs where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q: Will there come a time when the dark forces will wake up from their nature of evil and unite with oneness of love? […]
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates  of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops (Levels 1 & 2 & 3) held in Hong Kong, 7th-9th, March 2014 Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, Below is a question from one of my readers on the subject of ‘Music and its relationship to Energy.’ Q:  Can you ask about why music helps us increase our frequency level? What is the importance of lyrics versus rhythms versus instruments that are related to the composition of the music? What is […]
This is the eighteenth of twenty blogs where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q:  Are feelings of hate, anger, jealousy, depression and judgmental thoughts tuned in to us from the dark forces? SE: No, those thoughts are a […]
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates  of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops (Levels 1 & 2) held in Bangalore, India on 1st & 2nd March 2014. They are TTF Level 1 Graduates – Sandiip MItthaal, D.P. Cahtterjee, Dr.Nidhi Garrg, Dr.MD.Aslam Mohiuddin,  Dr.Harsha.V.Reddy, Dr.Lavanya Kiran, Kiron B. Reddy TTF Level 2 Graduates – Sandiip MItthaal, D.P. Cahtterjee, […]
I am delighted to give my Love and sincere congratulations to the First Level 3  Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshops, held in Bangalore, India  on 28th February 2014 They are:Sunil Sandeep, Reena Yadav, Elisabeth Mayer, Apurva Rajashekar
Este es el octavo de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores preguntó a la Entidad Fuente  por clarificación acerca de temas de la obscuridad que experimentamos o pensamos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: ¿Cuál es la historia de Lucifer y quién era el antes de la creación del lado obscuro? GSN: Esta pregunta […]
This is the seventeenth of twenty blogs where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q:  Before incarnating to Earth do people create a life plan with the dark forces to allow themselves to be possessed? SE: Clearly there […]
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