Dear Souls, A good friend of mine and author, Shelly Wilson, has just finished her latest book and is offering it as a free eBook via Kindle for a limited period. Journey into Consciousness will be available FREE from December 4-8, 2013. Here is the link if you are guided to read and share it ~ […]
Este es el tercero de Veinte blogs (previamente diecinueve, empero, una nueva pregunta fue presentada recientemente) en donde uno de mis lectores ha preguntado a la Fuente por clarificación acerca del tema obscuridad que experimentamos, o creemos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: ¿Qué parte de la Fuente decide crear el lado obscuro? EF: Primeramente considera […]
Este es el Segundo de Veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores ha preguntado a la Fuente por la clarificación acerca del tema de la obscuridad que experimentamos o creemos experimentar en la Tierra. P: ¿La naturaleza de las fuerzas obscuras existe antes de que el Origen decidiera crear las doce Entidades Fuente? EF: […]
The following is an interesting question from one of my readers on the mechanics of event space surrounding our incarnations Q: I have seen what would appear as a “past life” in Mexico around the turn of the 20th century. Also, I have seen what would be a “future life” about 130 years in the future […]
This is the fifth of twenty blogs where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q: Do the dark forces interfere with other worlds besides Earth? SE: Clearly there are other planets within the physical universe and some of these, […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 23rd November. This link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), As this link is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome as […]
1 de 20 Blogs Este es el primero de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores ha preguntado or clarificación de la Fuente acerca de la obscuridad que experimentamos, o creemos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: Cuales fueron las razones originales para la Fuente al crear las fuerzas obscuras y su mundo? EF: No […]
This is the fourth of twenty blogs (previously nineteen, however, a new question was submitted recently) where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q: What part of the universe do the dark forces exist in? SE: From a multiversal […]
This is the third of Twenty blogs (previously nineteen, however, a new question was submitted recently) where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q: Which part of Source decided to create the dark side SE: Firstly consider that the […]
This is the Second of Twenty blogs where one of my readers has asked for clarification from the Source about the darker issues we experience, or believe we experience, on Earth. Q: Did the nature of dark forces exist before the Origin decided to create the twelve Source Entities? SE: If one wants to consider […]