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Dear All, There are still places available for the Birmingham – UK ”Traversing the Frequencies”, Level 1 & Level 2 & Level 3 Workshops – (Level 3 is reserved for Level 2 graduates only) Date: 9th (Level 1) – note 4.00pm start, 10th (Level 2) & 11th (Level 3) November 2012 Venue: Inkford Hotel, Alcester Road, Wythall, […]
For those of you who couldn’t make the World Satsanga meet-up, this is how to join in via the recording. Listening to the recording provides the intension to participate in the event space within which the World Satsanga SKYPE meet-up exists, even if it is many days, weeks, months or years later. As a result […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 22nd September 2012. I link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), http://www.guystevenneedler.com. As this is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome […]
Self-doubt is an aspect of Karma that is important to recognize and even more important to remove from ones experiential vocabulary. Doubt is a function of remaining in low frequency existence, of being in the physical, of having limiting thoughts. These limiting thoughts are programmed into us the moment we incarnate, ensuring we work within […]
Dear Souls, Thank you very much for your support in purchasing The History of God and Beyond the Source – Book 1. I have been checking Amazon and sales have been doing very well in Amazon sites for the following countries: America, UK, Germany, France & Japan. Thank you for your desire to know the […]
Being true to oneself should not be avoided, specifically when under external pressure to change. When one is forced to be that which one is not in order to fit into another’s paradigm, one is fulfilling the requirements of the other rather than the self. Serving the requirements of the self are as important as […]
Over 100 years ago the “Ether” was considered a spiritual realm. We later built machines and called the “Ether “Radio Waves”, discovering that they could be divided into frequencies of known content and used as a communication tool. As we improve our machinery we will be able to detect frequencies far above radio waves and therefore that […]
Ignoring the needs of one’s siblings or children in terms of providing love, care and wisdom is similar to ignoring one’s “self” in this respect. Moreover, in terms of providing a spiritual education when one’s children or younger siblings are at their most impressionable, it is tantamount to actively “denying” the child the opportunity to […]
Respecting ones environment, the land, the trees, the sea and the animals is to respect oneself . Respecting oneself ensures that we live in a higher frequency than that which we are incarnate into. If when we recognise that we are all one with our fellow incarnates, that we also recognise that we are one […]
Why like the theory of good living, of avoiding Karma, when one can put it into practise and enjoy the reality of living in this way, knowing that one is breaking the karmic cycle.
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