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Start every day as if it is a new day, as if it is your first day on earth. You have no troubles, you have no enemies, you have no worries, you have no concerns. Consider that those things that one has to do, are a joy to do, that they are a challenge to […]
Dear All, Please take time to visit the course details for the First Asian “Traversing the Frequencies” Workshop of 2013, which is in Hong Kong, 16th – 17th March 2013. A free 1 hour lecture will also be presented on Friday 15th march 2013. Contact Marita Betts on maritabetts@netvigator.com to book a place. “Traversing the Frequencies”, […]
Tuning in to the greater reality of one who needs help will allow a level of understanding, and, ultimately validating their need, or not as the case may be, for your help – your service. If when “tuning in” one feels that it is not necessary for YOU to be their liberator, and this is […]
Have you ever noticed that when one ignores a fellow incarnate that needs help – moving quickly past them lest becoming involved, such as a beggar in the street, someone who has crashed their car or has been abused in some way, that you feel ill at ease? This is the feeling of energy being […]
Dear All, Please take time to visit the course details for  the First US “Traversing the Frequencies”  Workshop of 2013, which is in Kauai – Hawaii, 22nd – 24th March 2013 http://traversingthefrequencieshawaii.eventbrite.com Contact Joe Meboe on joe@meboe.com to book a place. “Traversing the Frequencies”, Level 1 & Level 2 & Level 3 Workshops. Click here for Hawaii […]
Dear Souls, I am honored to be taking the opening meditation on the Saturday of the Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference in London – UK. The Meditation will be from 9.00am to 9.15 am on Saturday the  1st September 2012. Click on this link for more info: http://conferences.ozarkmt.com/london/about-london-tc2012 The event is being streamed live and registration […]
  Resentment is a particularly low frequency response. It is a function of betrayal, expectation, personal comparison, and non- acceptance of one’s position.  Although it is a secondary function, caused by those other low frequency responses just noted, it masks the primary reasons for its existence and therefor masks its own existence. When one is […]
It is the light within that is without. Unless you are able to accept that your light is within you will not shine without. When you accept the light within you will be in the knowledge that you are a beautiful being, one with your creator, perfect in every way and that nothing can affect […]
Betrayal is an emotion that one feels when ones expectations of reward and recognition are not manifest. Indeed betrayal is even more profound when one works for another and the fruits of the hard work (that recognition which is sought after or expected) that one expects to have, is claimed by another. Betrayal can, and […]
Dear Souls, Please find time to listen to my interview with Mike Quinsey on his BBS Radio Show on 17th August 2012 10.00pm to 11.00pm UK “Connecting the Light”. I am invited back to talk about my new book “Beyond the Source” and other interesting subjects based upon the greater reality. Click Here to listen to the […]
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