Dear souls, For those of you that would like to buy a paperback version of Beyond the Source – Book 1 and are resident in the UK/EU (still signed as pre-order) the book can be bought via where they have stock. Link below:
Avoid debt to anyone and anything. Either financially, materially or benefit in kind. Debt is a control factor that leaves one under the control of the debtor. Debt of any kind is a link to the physical, tying one into the commitment of paying back the debt with interest, thereby compounding the debt and creating […]
Seeking favour with another is a form of collusion and results in expectation of personal benefit from the favour. When one seeks favour one is ALWAYS looking for some sort of reward as a result of the favour, which when not given, results in disappointment and negative thought processes and feelings of betrayal. When one […]
As with physical pain being a constant reminder that one is in a physical vehicle, sexual sensations and other addictions are also a reminder that one that is limited by the thought/experience processes of the vehicle that one incarnates within. Clearly some of the sensations we feel whilst incarnate are a joy to behold when […]
This image by Manny illustrates imagery he gained from a meditation. They represent highly evolved entities that have mastered shape shifting energies and other energies becoming masters of their dimension . In this instance they have taken on the function of being a race of mini suns balls of energy giving power to their dimensions. The […]
In this picture by Manny man is ascending into the source entity and being bathed in white light. The bubble’s present other higher being’s that don’t have human form and are there to help us into our higher levels of awareness. The star at top of the human figure shows us that we are now […]
Physical pain is a constant reminder that one is in a physical vehicle that is limited by the thought processes of the incarnate entity. As such it is a link to the low frequency energies of the physical. Limited is the operative word here for when one is not “limited” by the “thought constraints” of […]
Dear all, This is to let you know about an Event which you may be like to know about as someone who has an interest in metaphysics and spiritual matters. THE EVENT IN LONDON, 2012 No Competition – Just Transformation! Awakening Our Spirits, Opening Our Hearts, Creating With Our Minds, Transforming Our Global Consciousness Dolores Cannon […]