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I had read your first two books but I needed the structured, practical approach of the two-day workshop. I have started doing the recommended exercises and I look forward to my own journey up the levels. The significance of the workshop continues to grow in my life. Joe Meboe, HI WORKSHOP in Santa Fe, New […]
Impatience is a precursor to frustration and its associate emotional responses. It is a product of being in the physical whilst retaining an energetic memory of working within the energetic. Whilst in the energetic you are able to affect changes instantaneously through pure intention, which creates thought and later actions based upon that thought. In […]
Frustration is a product of desire turning into anticipation and expectation. It is based upon the inability to wait for that which will come with divine provenance at the correct juncture in ones incarnate existence, again being a link to the physical. Frustration is also borne from the inability to succeed in ones plans. In […]
Below is a link to the page within my website for my father in law’s book Kosmos – Published by Ozark Mountain Publishing. Kosmos is an Anthology of Dennis Milners books, The Loom of Creation and Explorations in Conciousness plus new research materials from both Dennis’ own work and academic research into proof of the greater reality of spirit, Gods multiverse. […]
Anticipation of an outcome is to paint a picture of what you desire, ultimately identifying that outcome as positive or a negative based upon that which is anticipated. Anticipation of an outcome is a human condition which ultimately links us to the physical. When one is able to be in the “now”, thereby removing the […]
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates  of the Traversing the Frequencies workshop (Levels 1 & 2) held in Detroit, Michigan – USA,  28 – 29 July 2012. They are: Level 1 & 2: William Helton, Dan Pappas, Helen Pearson, Lori J. Heron,  Marjorie Hilliard, Nikita Fitzgerald, Betty Segerdahl, Bill Poulos. They are Pioneers in […]
Resistance to that which happens in life, which is considered to be sub-optimal,  is resistance to learn from that opportunity which is presented to you as a lesson in how to disassociate yourself from the event, an event borne in physicality. Acceptance neutralizes resistance and negates the need to experience that which is experienced, but […]
Complacency is the right hand man of Karma. It waits for those unsuspecting soul’s that felt that they had addressed all of the spiritual issues that they needed to work on, and now need to do no more. When one is convinced that the work is done, one is just about to start, for the […]
The next “Traversing the Frequencies” Workshop is being held in Detroit – Michigan  USA on 28th -29th July 2012. It is hosted by Bill Helton. Please follow the link below to contact Bill for a place (they are going fast), to book a ticket for attendance or to find Bill’s Cell phone number & email […]
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates  of the Traversing the Frequencies workshop (Levels 1 & 2) held in Santa Fe, New Mexico – USA 21 – 22 July 2012. They are: Level 1 & 2: Lucy Colson, John Marshall, Joe Meboe, Biene Putzier, Claudia Scott, Rev. AliceAnne Saunders, KO, Ann Battaglia, Katharine Gates, VT, […]
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