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For those who are not regulars to my Web Site Please find below a couple of links to the “Avoiding Karma” and “Messages From The Source Entity” sections of my Website. http://www.guystevenneedler.com http://www.guystevenneedler.com/category/avoiding-karma/ http://www.guystevenneedler.com /category/messages-from-the-source-entity/ Namaste Guy
Here are a few links to lectures & workshops I am holding http://www.guystevenneedler.com/events/lectures/ http://www.guystevenneedler.com/events/workshops/ http://www.ozarkmt.com/conference2012/rogers/program http://www.ozarkmt.com/conference2012/london http://www.ozarkmt.com/conference2012/rogers/post-conference-workshops http://www.lifejourneys.net/Cannon_2012/
Love is the antidote to Karma: Love God Love your neighbour, Love your enemy Love your partner/wife Love yourself Love your mistakes Love your successes Love your current experience Love your planet Love your teacher Love that which presents its “self” to offer you experience, learning and evolution. If you Love all of these things […]
Engaging in sex for procreation is both a necessity and a delight. However, engaging in sex for recreation can lead one down the path of addiction to physical sensation associated with sex, which is a low frequency function.
Beware of addictions, especially the minor ones that you may consider to be not an addiction but more of a preference. Addictions of any type are a constant ink to the low frequencies. Minor addictions are insidious and invisible to all but the most vigilant of truth seekers.
If we are all one, how can we be singular, and if we are all singular, how can we be all one! The answer is that we are all the “collective totality” of the entity we call God.
Look at your fears, where are they anchored, are they about work, relationships, possessions, appearance, personal credibility or money. Any of these are fears that are based in the physical environment and are not that which you would pay any attention to in the energetic. If you would not pay any attention to these, or […]
This post is based upon a question, with a subsequent response by the Source Entity, by SC in Orlando How much knowledge of suffering does the Source Entity need? And, where does reincarnation and Karma fit in? SE: The Answer is none.  I require no entity to suffer in any way. Mankind creates his/her own […]
There is no separation between us, each other, the Source and the Origin. We are one with God and God is one with us. Why seek externally that which is always within.
Stand back and look at what you do on a daily and automatic basis. How much of what you do is necessary for you to survive, and how much is addiction to physical “pleasure” that is based upon an automated action/response. Give up your addictions and you will lose automatically generated Karma.
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