This is a short series of questions from a reader relating to how my work relates to the teachings of the Hindu Yogi’s.
Q: What do the Brighter Worlds (Heavens) look like? Do Rishi’s, Saint’s, God’s, Master’s chant Divine hymns, perform celestial music, perform homas, yagnas etc?
A: It is formless; it only has form in the minds of men. If you want to see Rishi’s, Saint’s, God’s and Master’s you will create such an environment where you will see them.
Q: What is the AUM sound (OM)? Is it the vibration of the Universe? What is the significance of AUM? Is it the creation?
A: It is the underlying resonant frequency of the base energy of the Origin, Gods creator – the ALL THERE IS – THAT WHICH IS BEYOND GOD. It is beyond universal and multiversal constraints.
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