Dear Souls,
I am honored to be taking the opening meditation on the Saturday of the Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference in London – UK. The Meditation will be from 9.00am to 9.15 am on Saturday the 1st September 2012. Click on this link for more info:
The event is being streamed live and registration to access the streaming of the whole event as well as this meditation can be gained via this link:
Because this is being streamed and because a high percentage of the spiritual population want to heal and raise the frequencies of the Earth, assisting in our ascension, I would be honored if you would reserve 15 minutes of your day to link in and take part. Even if you do this on a different day, focusing on this time and date will bring it into the same event space and add to the synergetic effects of being in collective focused meditation together, making the meditative work effectively happen in synchronicity. The help in understanding the meditation I have attached a link to this post (below) to use as a practice tool making you understand what to do if you are on your own.
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