Dear Souls,
Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 23rd March 2022 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Kevin Moore Show ( The World Satsanga is broadcast on my YouTube Channel
Below is the YouTube Short URL
The Lecture is about the three signs or milestones we need to succeed at to become a truly advanced civilisation. Q&A. The link to the Q&A chat can be found via This Link.
An extract from The Anne Dialogues on the process of incarnation and the first seven years can be found via This Link.
A meditation and instructions on how to perform Kriya Yoga.
Here is the link to the Chakra Opening Exercises which a beneficial in these low frequency times.
Chakra Opening Exercises PDF
Chakra Opening Exercises Audio
Below is the link to the World Satsanga Index of Meditations and Lectures.
Meditations and Lectures
Below is the link to the World Satsanga Archive.
World Satsanga Archive
Below is the link to the Lecture Slides
Below is the link to my YouTube videos.
Guy Steven Needler Also Note that my new book is now available via Amazon etc. Follow this link to purchase Psycho-Spiritual Healing
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