19:00:00 From Emma : I asked you not to long ago about Viking history and Odin and where that methodology came from. I know you said they came from the Atlantis days. So are Odin, Thor and those kind of so called gods like Jesus? And why were they so predominant in Viking history and still really are to this Day! Atlantis was so many thousand years ago, how did Vikings so many years later come to follow them as gods?. 19:01:15 From Germania : 1-Astrology is based on number 12 (12 Signs, 12 heavenly bodies of Solar System). It seams that Origin or at least SE1 have used the 12 Astrological Archetypes to create its children! Babilonian Initiates knew that as they wrote on Astrological tablets : this is the secret of the Great Gods: Initiates speak only with Initiates! Is Astrology in use at other planets and civilizations? 2- I read pag 246 of "The history of God" and pag 20 of book 1 Satsanga that the Universe is not expanding... but I don't understand why E. Hubble in 1929 saw the galassis step away from each others and now astrophysicist say the rate is accelerating. These are physical data observed by many scientists, it's a collective illusion? Newton, Galileo, Hubble ecc are all "useless" people? All science research is useless? 19:02:55 From Jagjyot Singh : 4. Is memory a function of mind or the energetic? If memory is stored energetically that means we are downloading information all the time. If it is stored in mind then how does all the information is available in akashic record. Please comment  5.Is brain required to feel emotions? Are there emotions in energetic? When we hear spirit stuck in the physical because of some karmic habitual material thing, do they still fell emotional for something and are stuck ? 6.Seer and seen are one , I once heard Bashar say only when the seer and seen separated that origin realized itself. Please comment. 19:03:01 From Daniel : Thank you for being here, thank you for helping us. From your writings it seems that we should never rule anything out until we have the proper evidence. And even then it might change. For example you talk about machine sentience--- is any of this happening on our planet? Machine sentience and civilization derived through machines created to perform complex roles on a “home or other” planet? Needler, Guy. The World Satsanga: Book 4 of The World Satsanga Trilogy: More Lectures, Questions & Channelled Answers on The Greater Reality (p. 113). Kindle Edition. 19:04:58 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : A new idea has been floating around that we are not "a soul in the body" but actually that our body is projected from inside our soul or TES. Is there any truth to this perspective? 19:05:15 From Daniel : On a daily basis how many souls leave the planet and join the planet? Should we be praying for this work of departing and joining us or just make note of it. 19:19:18 From Daniel : There are 4 major occurrences on the planet that seem to be drawing much energy from us. 1--What are we to think of the Mideast crisis? Will there be a favorable outcome? Why is there so much animosity? Is there any value from the fight between the Jews and the Palestinians? How do we not take sides? 2-- The Horizon/IT post office scandal which took place primarily in England. The court systems seem to so out of touch and unfair. How are we to reconcile and understand this conflict? Why did it take so long to correct the wrongs? 19:20:05 From Daniel : 3 – – in the United States we have much animosity between the parties that govern our country. It is almost unbelievable that we cannot get along and work cooperatively. The hatred seems very low level and Nonintegris and particularly not helpful for the people. There are court cases which seem a waste of time, energy and effort. Some refer to this phenomenon as "Law fair". These seem to be highly intelligent people that are dragging our country into the most horrible arguments against one another. What do we make of this? How do we help this seeming endless process? Should we ignore it? What is the best strategy? 19:20:38 From Daniel : 4 – – inflation around the world is very high probably close to 20%. People's income to not go very far to buy basic necessities. Travel is more expensive and extremely dangerous in some places. Food costs are difficult for average families. Prescriptions and medicines are expensive and often not purchased because of the cost. Rents for property have sometimes doubled in certain locations and the cost of purchasing a home for young families are way out of reach. Energy costs are exceedingly high. What can we do for others and ourselves to work with influencing inflation to a workable level. If anything? Can we get divine intervention for help resolving these problems? 19:31:52 From Tao : Is there a connection between the solar flares and our DNA? 19:36:34 From Bill : What is the nature and structure of our source entity and the origin. you have communicated with them is if they are each an individualized sentient being much like a human being but with unlimited sentience. Much like the biblical God. Such depictions seem to be nothing more than humankind projecting itself onto God. How is it that some TESs are more evolved than others? Is the Multiverse a hierarchy of evolvement ie. Universe 300 is more evolved than the Universe 200? Does our Source reside in any of these universes or are these universes all part of Source that doesn’t reside anywhere per se? From our perspective, a being or entity in the non-physical universes without the five senses but with the ability to manifest on demand any experience desired seems awfully boring. Does not seem like evolution at all. How is it one experiences learns and evolves in these universes? Your revelations regarding who we are, what we’re doing here, our relationship to God and to each other and where we are going, are nothing short of astounding in contrast to the severely limited perspective presented by the biblical authors. Yet after 2000 years over 1 billion people profess to be Christian another billion profess to be Hindu, etc. Has the Bible and religious dogma entrapped mankind into a kind of perpetual limited 2000-year-old understanding? Believe our dogma or you will suffer eternal damnation. Will there come a day when your revelations and more overtake the limitations of biblical understanding and religious dogma? Will it take another 1000 years? Given that Source created TESs, and that we are presently incarnate aspects of our respective TESs, what is the right way to think about our relationship with Source? Is Source external and separate from us as a child from its parents? Are we part of Source as a leaf is to a tree? Are we Source as an individuated aspect of Source? Eg. Is a leaf a tree? Is a branch a tree? Is a trunk a tree? No, no and no, but together they are a tree? What causes a TES to incarnate an aspect of itself? Is it that the TES has accrued Karma from prior incarnations and must repeatedly incarnate aspects of itself to eventually rid itself of accrued Karma? Is one aspect of a TES burdened/advantaged by the Karmac influences of another aspect of that same TES? What was the cause for the first incarnation if no Karma had been accrued at that point?