19:00:00 From Germania : - Is Astrology implemented to understand our inner nature and our Life Plan, known and practiced on other Planets of our Galaxy, so from "our brothers Alien"?- In Italy churches, with the exception of Christmas and weddings, are attended only by elderly people, when they die churches will remain beautiful and empty🤔. Is Vatican's power destined to fail in the near future? 😉 19:00:45 From Ulla : You said that thought is energy, and that energy is a formless state of beingness (free from form). Energy is the intention behind the intention for something to exist (The Origin Speaks).Q: How is Thought given Form at different levels of existence? Does the process of creation by sentient beings/entities differ in different environments, for instance: 1. Gross physical plane - FB 1-3 - earth life, where we create things, like a house using manual labor and machinery to make forms out of physical materials? 2. Astral plane - where our seven energy templates at FB 1-7 create our gross physical form. EXAMPLE 1: Barbara Brennan ("Hands of Light"): “I call the fifth layer of the aura the etheric template because it contains ALL the FORMS that exist on the physical plane in a blueprint or template form…” An example would be to compare how a sphere is created in Euclidian geometry to the way one is created in etheric space. In Euclidian geometry, to create a sphere one first defines a point. A radius drawn out from that point in all three dimensions will create the surface of a sphere. However, in etheric space, which one might call negative space, to form a sphere the opposite process takes place. An infinite number of planes comes from all directions and fill in all space, except for a spherical area of space left empty. This defines the sphere. It is the area not filled in by all the planes that meet each other that then defines an empty spherical space." IS THIS TRUE? EXAMPLE 2: where Besant/Leadbeater (“Thought-Forms” book, PDF attached below) saw different thought-forms created by music by different composers? e.g. Gounod vs. Wagner music forms (below) EXAMPLE 3: where Carl Jung said all “archetypes” exist in the Collective Unconscious that we can tap into, e.g. great mother, trickster, eternal youth, etc. At what frequency level does the Collective Unconscious exist = is it all astral levels FB 4-7? 3. Multiverse - Full Dimension 5 (see Table below) has the function of "Thought given Form (creation)” where Desire creates intention, which creates Thought, which creates tangible and intangible Forms - how is this different from physical universe level “forms"? 4. Omniverse - Origin’s "structured space" where we exist and new creation takes place through creator entities vs. "nonstructured space" where no form exists, presumably no new creations exist until we go there and make it so? 19:02:13 From Jagjyot Singh : 1. Percentage sentience does it vary with age? For e.g.. children under 7 have less percent sentience and it increases as they grow? 2.When it is said purify mind and senses by kriya yoga. All our memories and experience are still there only they go in the background and we are more in the now moment? The more we purify Mind and senses does the percentage of sentience also increases. Please advise or expand with your comments  3.When a TES is in for example 5th dimension, how and what determines for it to move to the next that is 6th dimension? Is it a higher being or entity that guides it to the sixth dimension or does it automatically gets integrated into the sixth dimension because of it having completed the evolutionary content of the fifth dimension? How does the TES knows there is a higher dimension to go to. 19:02:16 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : I’ve noticed some time glitches lately, like skipping forward in time suddenly. Have you noticed this? How would you explain this? 19:03:10 From Daniel : What are some of the strategies and best ways and practices of dealing with tragedies, catastrophic events and catastrophes. Recently, we had a tornado and straight-line winds come through northern Minnesota, United States of America which is somewhat of a rare occurrence. It affected our property and did some damage and yet to the homes and property north and south of us there was no damage to very little damage. We use the protection meditation and prayers and psychic shield for our properties, people, places and things and the earth almost on a daily basis with a small group of people. 19:03:27 From Daniel : How are we to reconcile this catastrophic event and damage? As we are recovering, cleaning up, fixing and repairing the property, buildings, vehicles, and things we seem to see that this was a good thing and we will be far better in the future as a result of this experience. Our property and buildings will be more fortified and capable of withstanding tornadoes and straight-line winds. We will be better prepared. Any comments on what we could have done, how we could have anticipated this, or are we doing enough and see this experience as valuable? Should we be grateful? What is the best way to experience these traumatic events? 19:04:24 From Alejandra Araiza : 1. If this is the third time that the evolutionary cycle of the multiverse has restarted, is this the first time that the lowest frequencies have been manifested in SE1, or is the pattern repeating and also evolving? Are these cycles, the expansions and contractions, taking longer each time, as The Origin progresses and evolves? 2. How does the gravity "black hole" in India, the Indian Ocean Geoid Low, affect the frequencies and vibrations of that area, what is the energetic potentiality of it? 3. Why would it be more useful to move the Earth to where it is now? Is it true that it was in a system with 2 suns so it was not really ever dark? Where is this system located? 19:05:11 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : When we go up a frequency, we refer to it as ascension. Do entities n the 5th frequency experience ascension as well? Is the process similar or different to ours? 19:09:15 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : As above, so below. Could this mean that just as we are growing in consciousness to realize more of the greater reality, beings in higher frequency are also doing the same? 19:09:26 From Daniel : why the weather changes? 19:09:57 From Daniel : Will the world act better soon? 19:10:22 From Daniel : Should all borders be open? 19:11:05 From Daniel : how are we doing? up? or Dowm? 19:12:38 From Daniel : Do you feel encouraged at present? 19:17:54 From Daniel : Does the Om have more senescent and ability than the Source? Why? 19:19:28 From Daniel : What is the most senescent you have ever worked with? what was that like? 19:19:36 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : Twidders is by Anita Holmes 19:34:47 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : Can you give us a few signs we can look for to know we are getting close to being “one with source?” Is it feeling more ethereal than physical, feeling more love flowing through us? 19:35:33 From Alejandra Araiza : What is the importance of what we experience here in the lowest frequencies and its influence or how it affects in higher frequencies? 19:36:37 From Daniel : If more souls could understand your teachings would there be a massive shift? 19:37:53 From Daniel : thank you all 19:38:14 From Eliza Yvette Esquivel : Yes thank you Guy and great being here with all of you 19:38:16 From Alejandra Araiza : Many many thanks to Guy and everyone! 19:39:29 From Lucio Martins Rodrigues : TY all