19:02:02 From Ulla Sarmiento : You said in 100-150 years people will finally realize that their leaders and governments have been all wrong — self-serving and autocratic. There is a changed mindset around the globe. Is that timeline already happening or accelerated in some parts of the world? 19:02:57 From Daniel : Dolphins are high spiritual beings. What about panda bears how did they come here and is there a history for panda bears? How close are we in consciousness to dolphins? 19:03:49 From Daniel : How are we doing on the earth? Are we making progress pulling it to a higher level? Any things we can do more of that would help our brothers and sisters? 19:04:32 From Alejandra Araiza : If SE1 wants all his energies to become sentient, could we say then that the TES starts from frequency level 1? Or how does that work? 
Which being could we consider as the lowest level of sentience manifested in physical? In which frequency level does the TES gets in order to be considered human? 
Lastly, does the TES starts/formes with sentience or from the very beginning of the energies? 19:05:10 From Jagjyot Singh : 1. When the source moves into new area of energy to further its evolution in the next evolutionary cycle. Is this new area physical or energetic? if all is origin energy then how is this new area energy different for the source to explore?  2.Does event space come under any frequency?  Or does event space supersede all frequency  3. There is the mind, and then sometime we feel emotions, is the feeling aspect part of mind construct or sentience? where is this feeling located? how are mind and feeling related? Is feeling body's biochemistry?  4.Is believe a function of spirit and thinking a function of mind, in manifestation they teach to believe it is done 5.Yogasutra of Patanjali teaches of objective samadhi leading to a state of objectless Samadhi. Your method of transverse the frequency will it be considered objective or object less way of samadhi 6.How much empathy should be experienced is it good to be empathic at cost of self sacrifice? 19:05:22 From Daniel : The weather and catastrophic weather events are happening on a more often occurrence. Anything we can do to mitigate the damage to people, places and things? 19:11:05 From William Poulos : Any insight into the near assasination of President Trump? Seems like divine intervention else he would have been killed. How is it the future of a country and world hangs on one seemingly random catastrophic event? 19:11:19 From Daniel : There seems to be an intensity on the planet and more separation between people even in tightknit families how can we bring people together with more loving attitudes and kindness and forgiveness. Will there be a major war that we will experience in our lifetime? 19:12:34 From William Poulos : Are frequencies lower now than the last century when mankind managed to kill about 200 million of itself? 19:14:38 From Lucio Martins Rodrigues : By when should the large majority stop being religious and accept more science’s discoveries about the Source, our origin, and our spirituality, minimizing the existing polarities and duality 19:17:24 From William Poulos : What is the Source’s expectation regarding pregnancy. Is it ok to kill the fetus? If so, up to what point in the pregnancy? Does Karma enter into this? 19:18:39 From William Poulos : Is our Source 19:20:07 From William Poulos : Entity surprised at the current state of the human race? Is it indifferent? Does it have an expectation? Will it intervene is the expectation is not being met? 19:20:23 From William Poulos : if 19:27:13 From Daniel : Do you as a spiritual teacher have high hopes for our spiritual success? Can we achieve high level spiritual success on this planet with these souls? What did we learn from the post office scandal? How was this helpful? 19:37:24 From Alejandra Araiza : Is the Sri tantra the geometry of the sound Om? from your perspective what does the sound Om is? 19:39:35 From mohanavelu : Thank you 19:39:45 From Alejandra Araiza : Many thanks!