Remember – We are only custodians of that which we have around us whilst in the physical. We never actually own anything, we are only given the opportunity to work with, live with and maintain that which we buy for the period of time we are incarnate.
Dear Souls, The Curators is also available for pre print from my publishers website. Link Here. Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, I am delighted to announce that The Curators is now available for preorder from Link Here Blessings Guy
Comparison of self with others should be avoided. Once we embark upon the road of comparison with our friends, relatives, neighbours and peers we run the risk of becoming dissatisfied with ourselves and our “transient” Earthly possessions. Dissatisfaction is an insidious link to physical existence and is one we must be vigilant of.
Dear Souls, The next TTF workshop due to be held in the EU will be held in Logatec – Slovenia over 6-8 December 2019. Booking can be via either of the routes shown below: Email: Matjaz via Eventbrite tickets link here. There is a free lecture on the evening of […]
Dear Souls, I am delighted to announce the latest cohort of students that have achieved TTF L3 status during the workshop held in Cardiff in July. They are: Adrian, Mike, Maria, Ron, Sylvia, Sarah. They are now “ONE WITH THE SOURCE” Namaste Guy
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 27th July 2019. Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. World Satsanga 27 07 2019 Below is the link to the World Satsanga Index of Meditations and Lectures Meditations and Lectures Home Page Below is the link to the […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 27th July 2019 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel together with suitable graphics. Below is the normal link. As this link […]
Please find below the links to purchase Avoiding Karma in Polish (eBook) and Chinese (paperback copy). Polish Chinese 盖尼·尼德勒《回避业力》简体中文版
Observe those around you who are not aware of the greater reality. Note how they work for the good of themselves and not for the good of everyone else and their creator. You will not be able to change them, but use them instead as a constant reminder of what you could become should you […]