Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 25th March 2017 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel together with suitable graphics. Below is the normal link. As this […]
Dear Souls, At the week end of 18th and 19th March 2017 I was fortunate to be invited to speak at the UK Probe Conference in Lytham St Annes, Blackpool. It is a fusion of UFOlogy and Spiritual-Metaphysical information and the speakers bring a new light on their subject matters. I spoke on the subject […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 25th February 2017 which is now on Kevin Moore’s YouTube channel. Namaste Guy
Transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 25th February 2017 In Association with The Moore Show. Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 21st January 2017 In Association with The Moore Show. World Satsanga 25 02 2017 Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 25th February 2017 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel together with suitable graphics. Below is the link. As this link […]
Dear Souls, Please find below the links to my interview with Chris and Sheree Geo Of Truth Frequency Radio in their “Beyond The Veil” broadcast 11th February 2017. We talk about Awakening, how to support those in the awakening process (New Children!) and the best way to raise ones frequencies and achieve high frequency functionality. […]
A thought to help you progress spiritually. “Our spiritual limitations are based upon our thoughts, behaviors and actions and their controlling belief systems. A knowledge based system created by spiritual experiential evidence negates these limitations because we have total control of our minds and body as a result.” Never Doubt – Keep Meditating and Know […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to an in depth review of The History of God, Beyond the Source books 1&2 and The Origin Speaks by one of my readers. Review of ‘HoG’ & ‘BS1’ & ‘BS2’ & ‘OS’ If you have not yet read these books you will at least gain a reason to […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 21st January 2017 which is now on Kevin Moore’s YouTube channel. Namaste Guy
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 21st January 2017 In Association with The Moore Show. World Satsanga 21 01 2017 Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing The question that wasn’t answered in the recording was that the splitting of the genders to achieve male […]