Dear Souls, This is the Fifth of a series of eight blogs (4 blogs with 2 parts each blog that will be presented one per week) where I present the basics of the book my late Father-In-Law Dennis Milner, completed just before his ascension – Kosmos. 3a – A Simple Technique for Unravelling the […]
Have you noticed that time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself and slowly when you are not? Is this a figure of speech or is it a real observation? Well it does and we, as un-self-recognized master creators in this incarnate condition can and do locally manipulate time. Actually though, we don’t exist in […]
Dear Souls, This is the Fourth of a series of eight blogs (4 blogs with 2 parts each blog that will be presented one per week) where I present the basics of the book my late Father-In-Law Dennis Milner, completed just before his ascension – Kosmos. 2b – An Evolutionary-Wholistic View of Creation The […]
My final two Workshop events for 2014 are detailed below. Please click on the links for more information Blessings Guy UK– Letchworth Tel: 01462 480111 14th November – Level 3 workshop & Evening Lecture on ‘Avoiding Karma’ 15th/16th November – Levels 1&2 workshops Tickets/more details on Eventbrite or Email Guy Switzerland – Chur 21st November – Friday evening […]
In Human terms the ego can be loosely recognized as a state of beingness. That beingness can be described as; if someone is considered to have a “big ego”, they are considered to think a lot of themselves and are ambitious. These people are usually highly materialistic and not in control of their thoughts. Conversely, […]
Dear Souls, This is the Third of a series of eight blogs (4 blogs with 2 parts each blog that will be presented one per week) where I present the basics of the book my late Father-In-Law Dennis Milner, completed just before his ascension – Kosmos. 2a – An Evolutionary-Wholistic View of Creation The […]
Dear Souls, This is the Second of a series of eight blogs (4 blogs with 2 parts each blog that will be presented one per week) where I present the basics of the book my late Father-In-Law Dennis Milner, completed just before his ascension – Kosmos. 1b – Registration of Etheric Force Activity Using the […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a Youtube link to an interview I had with Adnan from the UFO Hub ( that was held during the Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference, Springdale, Arkansas – June 2014. Some of the content of this interview is presented in my soon to be published 5th book – The […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 27th September. This link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), As this link is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome as […]
Dear Souls, This is the first of a series of eight blogs (4 blogs with 2 parts each blog that will be presented one per week) where I present the basics of the book my late Father-In-Law Dennis Milner, completed just before his ascension – Kosmos. I feel that this book is an essential text […]