Author: Guy Needler

I am delighted to give my Love and sincere congratulations to Gaby, Level 3  Graduate of the Traversing the Frequencies Workshops, held in New York USA on 13th June 2014. Love and blessings Guy  
Queridas Almas Este es el  catorceavo de veinte blogs en donde uno de mis lectores preguntó a la Entidad Fuente  por clarificación acerca de temas de la obscuridad que experimentamos o pensamos experimentar, en la Tierra. P: ¿Cuál es el beneficio spiritual para la gente de ser poseída por demonios? O: No hay tal cosa […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to an audio file (*.mov) that illustrates the answers to some questions that are frequently asked by my TTF students. This *.mov file should be played via Google as it has an Apple Quicktime plug-in. 12 Frequently Asked Questions This file can be down-loaded when being played by using […]
Dear Souls, Please feel free to join me as I am interviewed by hosts Jeffery Pritchett and BeezleBub Of The Church Of Mabus Radio Show. The show is broadcast on Friday 6th June 2014 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm Eastern time. We will be talking about the content of the Beyond the Source books and my new book […]
Dear Souls,   Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 31st May. This link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference),  As this link is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome […]
Dear Souls, I am delighted to announce that the Audio for the Traversing the Frequencies Level 2 Correspondence Course is now completed and released. The price for the course is £65 and includes the PDF file which identifies the course details. Once a student has completed this course and submitted the course homework they will be […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to a review made by Sherri Cortland (Ozark MT Author) on my new book Avoiding Karma. Sherri is a respected Ozark author and I am very humble to have received  such feed back in this way. Avoiding Karma Review Thank you Sherri. Namaste. Guy    
Dear Souls, I have Just received the contract from my publisher, Ozark Mountain Publishing, for my fifth book – The Origin Speaks. I am always humbled by the receipt of a contract for one of  my books because I very much feel that they should stand by their own merit, and not be published because […]
I have had the honor of meeting the mother of one of these White Children. She asked me for a reading. She had no idea of what she was or what her child, a daughter, was – and, until I read her, neither did I. In fact I had no idea that we were due […]
Group picture of the Graduates of the 1st New Zealand Traversing the Frequencies Workshops May 2014. Again my sincere congratulations go out to these Truth Seekers They are: Debs, Aly, Mo, Jeremy, Kathy, Jeannette, Mary Jo They too are now Pioneers in Spiritual Physics!
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