Author: Guy Needler

There is no difference in Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Smell, Audio or Visual information, it is all frequency, but it is at different bandwidths. Everything is energetic in the greater reality and even in the physical we work with the energetic. Although we have myriad energetic sensory systems when we are energetic we have only 5 physical […]
Ignore those who find faults in you for they are not addressing their own faults. If you find yourself finding faults in others, refelect on what they represent in yourself and work on them with self love in your heart and thanks for finding them.
The main reason we are intoxicated with, and believe that, the physical is the only reality is becasue we are immersed in it. We don’t give ourselves the time to seperate our intellects from what our physical bodies present to us as the tangible environment and seek that which is energetic. The road to understanding […]
Dear Truth Seekers, My new interview with Kevin Moore from ‘The Moore Show’  will be aired on The Moore Show website TV on 8th June 12-1am For more details follow this link  
In short no, but let’s understand why. Location and alignment of the planets is not relevant from the perspective of ascension. What is relevant is the frequential location or alignment of that which is evolving. Physical location is simply a location based upon the mathematics of the natural movement of a number of planets’ physical […]
Dear Souls, I am delighted to announce that my publisher, Ozark Mountain Publishing, have just accepted my 4th book, Avoiding Karma – a guide to assuring personal ascension, for publication. I offer my thanks to the Ozark team, who have unwaivering faith in my work. Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, I have been developing a number of correspondence courses over the last few months and the first one has just become available. The Robust programmable Psychic Shield is the result of 4 years work where I have worked with energies and developed a method of creating an all inclusive but programmable psychic shield […]
Dear Souls, I have finally uploaded the Lectures I gave at the 2012 Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference on The History of God, the content of the Beyond the Source Books and Kosmos. You can access them from either my website via these links: The History of God and Beyond the Source Kosmos or via […]
Dear Souls, Due to the popularity of my Readings and Healing it is now necessary to register early, recognising that there is now a waiting list. Appointments are completed via Skype (although local 1:1 appointments are possible) and I am available during the week (inc weekends). See Reading Testimonials and Healing Testimonials from past clients. Please email […]
Dear Truth Seekers, This is a clip from the Bangalore TTF workshop, where having previously taught the students to use their chakras to gain physical feed-back of moving up the frequencies, I teach them to gain further proof by sensing the energy levels/boundaries of the Auric Layers. [youtube=] Blessings Guy
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