Author: Guy Needler

I am delighted to give my Love and sincere congratulations to the first Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshop (Level 3) held in Birmingham, UK,  11 November 2012. They are: Peter Kelly, Richard Valentine, Fiona Trickett, Anne Milner, Jane Barlow, Chris Woods, They are One with the Source, The Source is One with Them – […]
My sincere congratulations go out to the Graduates  of the Traversing the Frequencies workshop (Levels 1 & 2) held in Birmingham, UK,  09 – 10 November 2012. They are: Level 1 & 2: Aco, Gwynneth, Matjaz, Nina, John, Joyce, Mandy, Mieke, Benoit, Manny, Eileen They are Pioneers in Spiritual Physics. Guy Steven Needler
Using others for self gain is a particularly effective way to accrue Karma and is aligned with coercion. It is also very addictive, specifically when one is successful in the use of a particular individual and gaining that which was desired. Through using others for self-gain low frequency behavior is perpetuated and augmented as one […]
Apportioning blame on another as a disguise for ones shortcomings is tantamount to disowning ones actions and the results of those actions. Moreover, if one accepts the accolades of success in tandem with apportioning blame to others, irrespective of whether or not they are they are indeed the responsible party, is taking advantage of others […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 27th October 2012. I link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), As this is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome […]
Coercion is a trait that should be avoided at all costs if one is to avoid karma that is generated by the persuasion of others to do ones bidding rather than oneself. In fact, whereas persuasion is based upon the presentation of compelling evidence to support the desire to change the direction of the thought […]
Dear Seekers of Truth, These photo’s were taken by a participant of the Ozark Mountain Publishing New Earth Mediterranean Cruise at the Acropolis, Athens and on-board the Celebrity Equinox. I have checked them out, they are the original images captured by a Samsung Smartphone and are un-modified. These are fantastic examples of the evidence of […]
The following article was channelled as a result of a dear friend asking what Prana or Life Force really is. Prana or life force is an aspect of free energy; it is that which the physical vehicle uses on all its frequency levels to perpetuate its existence. One can also call it Ki or Chi. […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 27th October 2012. I link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), As this is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome […]
Creating self-generated karma is like shooting oneself in the foot from an evolutionary perspective. Self-generated karma, in essence, encompasses everything that is identified in this guide. However, although large amounts of karma are a result of being “drawn into” various different situations by others, that result in low frequency activity, such as gossip, blame, crime […]
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