Author: Guy Needler

  Resentment is a particularly low frequency response. It is a function of betrayal, expectation, personal comparison, and non- acceptance of one’s position.  Although it is a secondary function, caused by those other low frequency responses just noted, it masks the primary reasons for its existence and therefor masks its own existence. When one is […]
It is the light within that is without. Unless you are able to accept that your light is within you will not shine without. When you accept the light within you will be in the knowledge that you are a beautiful being, one with your creator, perfect in every way and that nothing can affect […]
Betrayal is an emotion that one feels when ones expectations of reward and recognition are not manifest. Indeed betrayal is even more profound when one works for another and the fruits of the hard work (that recognition which is sought after or expected) that one expects to have, is claimed by another. Betrayal can, and […]
Dear Souls, Please find time to listen to my interview with Mike Quinsey on his BBS Radio Show on 17th August 2012 10.00pm to 11.00pm UK “Connecting the Light”. I am invited back to talk about my new book “Beyond the Source” and other interesting subjects based upon the greater reality. Click Here to listen to the […]
Dear souls, For those of you that would like to buy a paperback version of Beyond the Source – Book 1 and are resident in the UK/EU (still signed as pre-order) the book can be bought via where they have stock. Link below:
Avoid debt to anyone and anything. Either financially, materially or benefit in kind. Debt is a control factor that leaves one under the control of the debtor. Debt of any kind is a link to the physical, tying one into the commitment of paying back the debt with interest, thereby compounding the debt and creating […]
Seeking favour with another is a form of collusion and results in expectation of personal benefit from the favour. When one seeks favour one is ALWAYS looking for some sort of reward as a result of the favour, which when not given, results in disappointment and negative thought processes and feelings of betrayal. When one […]
As with physical pain being a constant reminder that one is in a physical vehicle, sexual sensations and other addictions are also a reminder that one that is limited by the thought/experience processes of the vehicle that one incarnates within. Clearly some of the sensations we feel whilst incarnate are a joy to behold when […]
Triangulation is a known and recognised phenomenon within the spiritual or scientific communities, although within the scientific community (it is used for surveying the land and other functions), it has an entirely different meaning. We sometimes call it the 100th Monkey Effect or Principal. From a spiritual or frequential perspective it operates in this manner: […]
SE: There has been much conjecture on the meaning of dates of spiritual importance, that they represent a mass ascension of some sort. When these days pass and nothing appears to be different, the sceptics roar with laughter and the spiritualists who promoted such a heavenly future have to back peddle – fast. This dialogue […]
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