Author: Guy Needler

Please find below a link to the Cynde Meyer Spirit Seeker show on Blogtalk Radio 19 June 2012 where Dolores Cannon, Arun Ghandi, Wayne Peterson and I are interviewed.
SE: Don’t be confused with the feeling of “being there” when you start to meditate on communicating with your creator and you experience either “communication” or simply the feeling of “bliss” associated with the “oneness” experience when in communion with me. Unless you you focus on both aspects of “communing and communication” with your creator […]
For those of you who are waiting very patiently for your order of Beyond the Source Book 1, my publisher, Ozark (, will be receiving stock on Wednesday 20th June 2012. I expect that other outlets such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble etc., will receive stock at a similar date. I thank you very […]
This weekend Beyond the Source Book 2 was finished. I can’t tell you what an awesome piece of information it is. Readers of book 1 (on pre-order now) won’t be disappointed. We are truly in interesting times.
Observe those around you who are not aware of the greater reality.  Note how they work for the good of themselves and not for the good of everyone else and their creator. You will not be able to change them, but use them instead as a constant reminder of what you could become should you […]
Anticipation is based upon expectation therefore linking us to a “desired” result. When removing expectation one should also remove anticipation, for the one creates the other. Remove both conditions from your mind and negate the opportunity for entering into the “closed loop” of continuous cause and effect that creates the one or the other, created by leaving either […]
Expectation can be considered the opposite function of desire, specifically when one expects a reward from being of service, it also ties us into the low frequencies, to the desires of the physical and therefore delivers a level of Karma. Expectation is something to be avoided from a more personal perspective, especially when we “expect” a certain response […]
Be patient with everyone, everything and especially yourself . Adopting a calm and patient demeanour attracts higher frequency energies and high frequency friends. Being patient and calm provides an excellent example to others of how to live in the frantic world of the gross physical whilst avoiding lower frequency addictions associated with being restless.
Interview with Cynde Meyer on her BBS Radio “Spirit Seeker Radio Show” 19th June 2012 7.00pm to 8.00pm US Central Time (UK 12.00pm – 1.00am 20th June 2012). I will talk about my books together with Dolores Cannon, Wayne Peterson and Arun Gandhi who will all be at the Ozark Mountain Publishing Transformation Conference in Rogers (13-15 […]
Oneness is a state of “being” in tune with that which is around you. It is achieved in five stages Recognising that we are we are “all one” is the first stage. Recognising that we are “all one” with the flora, fauna and insect life on Earth is the second stage. Recognising that we are […]
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