Category: Interviews

Dear Souls, Please find below the Link to an interview I had with Ashley Grace on 3rd September 2024. Link Here (Please note you dont need a Buzzsprout account. Click on the play link at the bottom left hand side of the top image). Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below the Link to a short Vlog broadcast by Alex Ferrari of Next Level Soul of my channelling an important message to humankind about the mature use of Individualised Free Will! Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below the wonderful blog written by Ulla Sarmiento, of Big Picture Questions, based upon three questions she asked me, and my channelled answers, relating to the demons Jesus famously removed from Mary Magdalene and two other people. Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below the links to the episode of the Inspire Health Podcast were I am interviewed By Jason and Téa and we discuss my thoughts on “Living Freely in an Uncluttered, Unmaterialistic Way”. Episode Description Guy S. Needler, author of a dozen or more books including, The History of God, Beyond The […]
Dear Souls, Please find below the link to the interview I had with Katerina Todorovic of MysticMag on 17th April 2024. In the interview we discuss: Blessings and Namaste Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below the link to my interview with Stephen Spencer on his “Get Yourself Optimised” Show. (@GetOptimized podcast w/ @sspencer). Where we share insights on reality, the multiverse, and our evolutionary journey. Blessings Guy
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