Category: Latest News

More recently, I have noticed the increase in VERY highly evolved beings that have incarnated, specifically in China. Some of these individuals have evolved beyond the need to incarnate to evolve, but never the less they are here on Earth. They are here for a single life, one that does not accrue Karma. These incarnates […]
Dear Souls, My Radio interview with James Swagger recorded on Tuesday 8th April 2014 is now available online. Use the link below to hear this interview:
During the many readings I have performed for my clients I have noticed an increasing trend. That the result of questions about the children of spiritual people has revealed that, some of them do not conform to the norm. The norm being the classification I can make about their spirituality based upon their base frequency […]
Dear Souls, I have been invited to Lecture and present a Workshop on the following Cruise arranged by Ozark Mountain Publishing. Holy Land Cruise and Conference at Sea October 25 – November 5, 2014 Lectures: Dolores Cannon, Robert Bauval, Guy Needler,  Maria Wheatley, Julia Cannon, Vitaly Safarov Join us for an exciting time at sea […]
Observe Experience Record Remember Reflect Forgive Forget (personal intonations) Experientially understand Love Rise above Exist in ultimate knowledge Reflect again Progress And then – Enjoy
Identical twins, or even triplets, are incarnate vehicles that share a common Aspect (Soul). In this instance the True Energetic Self (Higher Self, Over Soul, God Head) elects to spread the energies of the Aspect projected into the physical across two or three incarnate vehicles concurrently. This does not create a shard or a sub-incarnation […]
Dear Souls, Please feel free to join me at Watkins Metaphysical Book shop where I will be giving a free lecture from 6:30pm – 7:30pm on Thursday 10th April 2014. My lecture will be on my latest book – Avoiding Karma. Karma is only a function of the physical universe and our true energetic selves, […]
Dear Souls, Please join me as I am being interviewed by James Swagger on Tuesday 8th April 2014 18:00 UK time. (US times 13:00 EST, 12:00 CST, 11:00 MST, 10:00 PST) James has his own radio show – Capricorn Radio.  We will talk about my books, workshops, correspondence courses and touring. We will also talk […]
Dear Souls, Below is a question from one of my readers on the reality we exist within. Q: What is the nature of reality we live in right now as incarnate humans on Earth? Is it true that we live in a virtual reality? Everything that surrounds us, including our planet and our bodies, consists of […]
Dear Souls, My latest book – Avoiding Karma is now available on Kindle.please feel free to follow the link below. Namaste Guy
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