Category: Latest News

Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone who has given me blessings and condolences for Anne’s Ascension. The Funeral Service is on 14th January 12.00 noon. She will have a woodland burial. I will be back with regular postings between now and then, as I am now getting on top of the arrangements, and will […]
To all my dear friends and incarnate souls. At 12:30am  on December 24th 2012 my dear wife, friend, companion, soul mate and fellow spiritual physicist,  ascended the need to continue her current incarnation. We were married for almost 25 years and had shared many wonderful experiences together. None the least, we both shared the excitement we felt over […]
In short, the ascension is a gradual and not dramatic process, so BE PATIENT! However, for those of you who want more detail, the text below is a channelled message from the Source Entity for those people who, convinced that they would ascend on the 21 December 2012, find themselves still on an Earth that […]
Dear Souls, Please click on link to read Paradigm Shift Magazine’s review of my 1st Book ‘The History of God’. Thank You  and Stay Light, Be Light, Light The Way For Others Guy Steven Needler
Dear All, Please take time to visit the course details for the First Asian “Traversing the Frequencies” Workshop of 2013, which is in Hong Kong, 16th – 17th March 2013. A free 1 hour lecture will also be presented on Friday 15th march 2013. Contact Marita Betts on to book a place. “Traversing the Frequencies”, Level 1 & […]
Dear All, Please take time to visit the course details for  the First US “Traversing the Frequencies”  Workshop of 2013, which is in Kauai – Hawaii, 22nd – 24th March 2013 Contact Joe Meboe on to book a place. “Traversing the Frequencies”, Level 1 & Level 2 & Level 3 Workshops. Click here for Hawaii Flyer. Thank […]
Dear Souls, Ozark Mountain Publishing & Starseed Films present a Gala Event featuring the European Premiere of the ground-breaking metaphysical film 3 MAGIC WORDS, to mark the beginning of a new era in human consciousness, on December 21, 2012 As many of you know, not only will the winter solstice occur on December 21, 2012, […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga SKYPE tele conference held on 24th November 2012. I link is also on the home page of my website (see the advert for the next conference), As this is an Apple Quicktime file it is best accessed via Google chrome as […]
Dear Seekers of truth, Please listen to my interview with Chris & Sheree Geo. US  at “Truth Frequency Radio” recorded on 16th November 7.00pm Pacific Time (BST -8 hour)
I am delighted to give my Love and sincere congratulations to the first Graduates of the Traversing the Frequencies workshop (Level 3) held in Birmingham, UK,  11 November 2012. They are: Peter Kelly, Richard Valentine, Fiona Trickett, Anne Milner, Jane Barlow, Chris Woods, They are One with the Source, The Source is One with Them – […]
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