The objective of the entity that incarnated and became known as the Buddha was to provide the mental vehicle for true enlightenment. Enlightenment being the ability to contact the higher self and understand the real meaning of incarnate life on earth. Unlike Jesus who taught the ways to exist in this lower frequency environment and […]
Sin is a word that has been abused. The Source tells me that it means “to take the way of Karma” – that being, to freely and willingly adopt a path that reduces ones frequency – taking you further away from your creator. “Original Sin” is therefore the Karmic content (low frequency attractivity) that one has accrued in […]
The Source has a few words to say on the meaning of “Christmas”. SE: The true meaning of Christmas has long been forgotten and is now used almost totally out of context. To understand it meaning the word Christmas needs to be broken into two words, ‘Christ’ and ‘Mas’. ‘Christ’ is a shortened version of […]
It is easy to be coerced by those who are complementary about who you are and what you do, but really want you to support and augment their own work by your association with them. You may even find yourself running after them, wanting to finish a promised task, helping them in the way you […]
When we are working in accordance with our true path, we go to work with a spring in our step and a song in our heart. Nothing can affect us, or bring us down because we are following our hearts desire. Our hearts desire being that which we planned to do when incarnate. When we […]
That which is seen by the physical eye is but a microcosm of a microcosm of a microcosm. It is not the real reality, for the physical is a creation, made by me, your Source Entity, your God, to allow you to experience the minute detail of that which I have created, the multiverse you […]
A note from the Source Entity on Dates for Spiritual Events. SE: Dates are a great misnomer as they confuse when nothing discernible happens that can be attributable to the date. They can however, be used as a milestone to indicate that you (collectively) should have reached a certain level of frequency. Know that YOU ARE […]
God judges a man/woman by her/his actions, not words, so when you say you are going to meditate on God – DO IT! And, be rewarded by communion with God, and not the thought of communion with God.
Be discerning with relation to your spiritual work. Take on-board only that which resonates with you as the truth. There is a lot of spiritual text that is written by the ego or is “band-waggoning”, rather than from the source of the truth. Take on-board that which you feel is correct. Many teachers today present the same […]
No one person, no matter how powerful or influential they are, can change the world or even consider starting to change the world, without first changing themselves from within. Many people who are changed from within though, can change the world that is without with ease.
- World Satsanga held on Wednesday 26th February 2025 In collaboration with Kevin Moore and The Kevin Moore Show
- Guy Included in Robert Cimpermans’ “Unlocking the Soul” Project!
- The Origin Speaks Now In Spanish
- The History of God and The Curators Now in Portuguese
- World Satsanga held on Wednesday 15th January 2025 In collaboration with Kevin Moore and The Kevin Moore ShowDear Souls,
- Avoiding Karma – Revisited
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- Messages from the Source Entity
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- The Darker Side of the Light
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- Traversing The Frequencies Graduates
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- World Satsanga
Beyond the Source
Guy Needler
Guy Steven Needler
messages from the source entity
The Curators
the greater reality
The History of God
The Origin Speaks