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Dear Souls,   Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 23rd February 2022 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Kevin Moore Show ( www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga is broadcast on my YouTube Channel   Below is the YouTube Short URL    Q&A chat […]
Zoom Based World Satsanga due to be held on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 7.00pm UK time In collaboration with Kevin Moore and The Kevin Moore Show Dear Souls Please find below the Zoom link for March’s World Satsanga. NOTE THE NEW DAY!!! Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/75987179604?pwd=iqD7y6nux8uNNFLqUloLteLLbybTWW.1 Meeting ID: 759 8717 9604Passcode: 53vBGx It is on Wednesday […]
Dear Souls, I am delighted to broadcast the my 9th book – The Om – The Uncreated Creations If finished and is now going through 2 stages of editing. Pictures below. Its 297 A4 Pages long comprising of 126374 words Once editing is completed the manuscript will be submitted to my publisher – Ozark Mountain […]
Love is the true antidote to all karmic influences. When one is “in love” one is in peace and harmony with everything and everyone. This is not love in the human sense but in the spiritual or energetic sense. Human love is based upon physical attraction, whereas spiritual/energetic love is based upon an understanding, and […]
Dear Souls, Please find below the YouTube link to my February 2022 DSpring CH interview with Sabrina and Tom. This regular 6 weekly interview is broadcast on GTV in China and regularly enjoys over 15,000 viewers when transmitted live. Blessings Guy
Dear Souls Please find below the Zoom link for Februarys World Satsanga. NOTE THE NEW DAY!!! Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75271228481?pwd=-XonI1eXyYPdONDlzdB-yD5HaOXykE.1 Meeting ID: 752 7122 8481Passcode: 392JHK It is on Wednesday 23rd February at 7:00pm UK time for 40 mins. Questions will be over Zoom Messenger on the day and in order of receipt. The meeting […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 29th January2022 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga is broadcast on my YouTube Channel. Please note that Transcriptions are no longer being broadcast due to the content […]
Happiness is a product of joy and is an outward facing example of joyful existence, thinking and being. Personal happiness is the long term effect of being “in joy” and bridges the gaps in-between joyful experiences. The “Joy-Happiness-Joy-Happiness-Joy” cycle is a profoundly efficient way of increasing ones frequencies, especially when the experience of joy and […]
Experiencing joy in one’s incarnate life is to touch the very nerve of high frequency existence. When one “en-joys” one is “in-joy”. When one is “in-joy” one is in tune with all things and all things are in tune with one. This feeling is a sign that one is experiencing the high frequencies of spirit […]
Dear Souls, In conjuction with my Chinese Agent I am holding a Workshop teaching the content of my book, Psycho-Spiritual Healing. This workshop will take place over 4 weeks via live streaming and will finalise in the need for physical attendance in the final week. The Workshop will result in an Accredited PsAR Healer when […]
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