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The minerals that we use to create metals, ceramics, fuels and other materials are a gift to us from the earth. The earth in its sentience recognizes that our incarnate “human” vehicles are the tools we use for accelerating our evolution, and as such supports that which we do with its minerals provided we use […]
Knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to a tree, plant or vegetable is an act of violence against an aspect of our physical environment, nature, and therefore our creator, The Source Entity. Committing flora related violence therefore creates flora related Karma. Although perceived by incarnate humanity as a lower life form, the kingdom of flora […]
Please find below the links to my interview with Brian Ruhe of The Brian Ruhe Show Saturday 4th September 2021. We have a long Q&A session which is in 2 parts: Tuning into Higher Frequencies – Q & A with Guy Needler In 150 Years We Will Evolve in Frequency and Experience Aliens as Souls […]
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 25th September 2021.  Link to the total archive is  HERE World Satsanga 25 09 2021 Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. Also Note that my new book is now available via Amazon etc. Follow this link to purchase Psycho-Spiritual […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 25th September 2021 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel     https://www.youtube.com/user/themooreshowofficial  together with suitable graphics.  Below is the normal link. As this link […]
As with the incarnate human vehicle, knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to an “animal” incarnate vehicle is not the behavior of an evolved “incarnate” individual and invokes tremendous karma and low frequency attachment. Especially, when the act of doing harm brings pleasure. One should recognize that the spirits that incarnate as animals are a […]
World Satsanga held on Saturday 28th August 2021 In collaboration with Kevin Moore and The Moore Show Dear Souls,Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 28th August 2021 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga will be broadcast […]
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 28th August 2021.  Link to the total archive is  HERE World Satsanga 28 08 2021 Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. Also Note that my new book is now available via Amazon etc. Follow this link to purchase Psycho-Spiritual […]
Dear Souls, Please find below the links to my interview with Brian Ruhe of The Brian Ruhe Show Saturday 14th August 2021. I give my lecture on What are Aliens and Where Do They Come From?, plus 30 mins of Q&A. This is in 2 parts, The Lecture and The Q&A. Blessings Guy
Knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to one’s own “human” incarnate vehicle is to defile the very temple that one resides within, even though our residence is on a temporary basis. Knowingly and deliberately doing physical harm to another’s “human” incarnate vehicle is not the behaviour of an evolved “incarnate” individual and invokes tremendous karma […]
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