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Impatience is a precursor to frustration and its associate emotional responses. It is a product of being in the physical whilst retaining an energetic memory of working within the energetic. Whilst in the energetic you are able to affect changes instantaneously through pure intention, which creates thought and later actions based upon that thought. In […]
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 30th May 2020.  Link to the total archive is   HERE World Satsanga 30 05 2020 Psychic Shield limited opportunity Cost reduction! Cost UK£28 (Now Reduced to £1.00 until 28th July 2020 to allow people to use as an energetic defence […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 30th May 2020 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show (   www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel   https://www.youtube.com/user/themooreshowofficial  together with suitable graphics.  Below is the normal link.  As this […]
Dear souls As you are aware Kevin Moore has been interviewing a number of people who channell information from the greater reality. My interview is now on his YouTube channel and can be accessed via the link below. Namaste Guy
Frustration is a product of desire turning into anticipation and expectation. It is based upon the inability to wait for that which will come with divine provenance at the correct juncture in ones incarnate existence, again being a link to the physical. Frustration is also borne from the inability to succeed in ones plans. In […]
Dear Souls, Please note that the July 2020 TTF Combo workshop in Irvine,CA, is now cancelled due to COVID 19. This has been planned for 22nd-26th July 2021. Tickets will be available from 1st June 2021 via this Eventbrite link Blessings Guy
Anticipation of an outcome is to paint a picture of what you desire, ultimately identifying that outcome as positive or a negative based upon that which is anticipated. Anticipation of an outcome is a human condition which ultimately links us to the physical. When one is able to be in the “now”, thereby removing the […]
Resistance to that which happens in life, which is considered to be sub-optimal,  is resistance to learn from that opportunity which is presented to you as a lesson in how to disassociate yourself from the event, an event borne in physicality. Acceptance neutralizes resistance and negates the need to experience that which is experienced, but […]
Complacency is the right hand man of Karma. It waits for those unsuspecting soul’s that felt that they had addressed all of the spiritual issues that they needed to work on, and now need to do no more. When one is convinced that the work is done, one is just about to start, for the […]
Avoid being in competition with others on all levels, including spiritual levels. Competition occurs when you are enticed by the wishes of others to improve beyond your current capabilities, with the performance of others being used as an example of where you should be, specifically if they are supposedly better than you. Know this – […]
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