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Dear Souls, I am delighted to announce that my latest book – Psycho-Spiritual Healing is now completed and on its way to the publisher. I will advise on further progress as soon as I get confirmation of receipt and if Ozark intend to publish it. Blessings Guy
Don’t be impatient, watch out for impatience. It is a function of anticipative desire and it is steeped in the expectation of that which may, or may not, happen. Impatience is created by being dissatisfied with that which were are, have or expect to be or have from a temporal perspective. As time does not […]
Curators: All associated with Maintenance of Multiverse The Curator categories, summarised by one of my readers, Faith to assist the reader of “The Curators” in their understanding. 27 levels with 4 subcategories under one level, total of 31 Curators. E=Entity, B=Being The Curators are: B The architects makes environmental changes  B The Ilustratots access source […]
Incarnation is an illusion, life in the physical is an illusion. It is only when you accept the illusion and work with it that it becomes your reality. Hence it feels real. See how you feel dreams are real when experiencing them. The time you spend in that reality is up to you, i.e. how […]
Dear Souls,   I am delighted to announce that the Audio Version of The History of God is now available in CD and Flash Drive (Memory Stick) version from Ozark Mountain Publishing via this link.   Audio Books OMT HOG Link   They are also available via Amazon.com via this link   Audio Books Amazon […]
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 28th September 2019.  Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. World Satsanga 28 09 2019 Below is the link to the World Satsanga Index of Meditations and Lectures Meditations and Lectures Home Page Below is the link to the […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 28th September  2019 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show ( www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel  https://www.youtube.com/user/themooreshowofficial together with suitable graphics. Below is the normal link. As this […]
Oneness can be achieved via the association of like minded individuals working together in “metaconcert” for a single focused cause, irrespective of potential individualized gain. False oneness is achieved via association of like minded individuals working together to be part of the crowd, to not be left out. This is oneness for the ultimate benefit of self and […]
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 31 st August 2019. Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. World Satsanga 31 08 2019 Below is the link to the World Satsanga Index of Meditations and Lectures Meditations and Lectures Home Page Below is the link […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 31st August  2019 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show (www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/themooreshowofficial together with suitable graphics. Below is the normal link. As this link […]
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