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Habits can be good and bad but the function of a habit is such that it is an automatic “invisible function” of that which we do every day, and as such is ignored by our “physical consciousness”. Attention to what is habit and what is not is therefore a necessary prelude to success in the […]
Never assume that, as a spiritual person, devoted to knowing the greater reality, you can convert someone else who is not yet ready to know the truth. Forcing someone to accept another paradigm is doomed to failure and could strain or even end friendships, creating low frequency energy associations. Love them for who they are, […]
Dear Souls, Just a reminder of the Traversing the Frequences workshops that are due to take place in India (Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad in Feb-March). The link to the workshops page where the contact details for the workshops are available is HERE. Alternative contact details are below Blessings Guy Dates Country Location 16-17Feb 2019 India Mini […]
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 22nd December 2018 which is now on Kevin Moore’s YouTube channel. Blessings  Guy
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 26th January 2019.  Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. World Satsanga 26 01 2019 Blessings Guy
Dear Souls, Please find below a link to the recording of the World Satsanga held on 26th January 2019 which is now broadcast in association with Kevin Moore of The Moore Show (www.themooreshow.co.uk). The World Satsanga will be broadcast by Kevin on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/themooreshowofficial together with suitable graphics. Below is the normal link. As this […]
Just because you are a seeker of the truth, know the greater reality, communing with God on a daily basis, it doesn’t mean that you are able ignore your roles and responsibilities whilst in the physical. You planned these responsibilities as part of your experience, your learning and your evolution, to ignore them means your […]
Be happy and kind whilst incarnate. Always smile in your knowledge of the greater reality. Say good morning, reply in a positive manner, open the door for the person behind you, let the other person have the parking spot, or pull out into the que before you. Provide help to those who need it, help […]
From the moment you wake up in the morning think about what you can do to avoid attraction to the low frequency energies we call karma. Consciously avoiding karma takes significant practice until it is achieved on an automatic basis. Think about everything you are doing, or are about to do, with a view to […]
Dear All, Please find below the link to the transcript of the World Satsanga held on Saturday 22nd December 2018.  Many thanks to U. S. for transcribing. Blessings Guy
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