Living in the past is a trap of the physical leading to Karma. It leads to comparison, dissatisfaction, negative reflection and inability to be in the present. The objective of being in the present and not the past is to take that which was experienced in the past and use it to affect correct responses […]
Dear Truth Seeker, Due to popular demand, I am initiating a new monthly Newsletter which is designed to bring the latest information about ‘The Greater Reality’. If you haven’t already subscribed and you wish to receive this newsletter, please click on the following link – Subscribe to Newsletter Namaste Guy
Dear Souls, I am being interviewed by Annette, Aben on her “In Touch Interviews” radio show on Body Mind Spirit Radio on Monday 18th February 2013, 6.00pm to 7.00pm Eastern Standard Time (US: GMT -5), 11.00pm to 12.00pm GMT (UK). Here’s the “Listen Now”Link We will discuss the ascension (21/12/12), where we go from […]
Grieving although an essential part of experiential existence in the physical, is if taken too far, a trap of the physical leading to Karma. Grieving itself focuses on personal loss which is augmented by the passage of a multitude of shared experiences based upon physical presence. Grieving brings great sorrow which is not a true […]
Downward spiralling Karma is repetitive (cyclic) Karma that results in the gradual but ever increasing attraction to lower frequency existence with additionally increasing severity. In this instance the accrued Karma attracts more Karma (lower frequencies) the more one ignores the repeated learning opportunity, and actively chooses to avoid the corrective action necessary to arrest its […]
Dear All, Please take time to visit the course details for the First Asian “Traversing the Frequencies” Workshop of 2013, which is in Hong Kong. Workshops: 16th – 17th March 2013, 9.00am to 5.00pm, Bishop Lei International House, 4 Robinson Rd, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Free Lecture: The free 1 hour lecture will be presented on Friday 15th march […]
Dear Souls, Please click on the link to see the Invitation to Join my “Traversing the Frequencies” workshops Introduction Video For details on workshops available please Click on this link to take a look. Namaste, Guy
Cyclic Karma is repetitive. It repeats itself in a known cyclic fashion when the incarnate has not quite learnt a specific lesson well enough to ensure that exposure to it will result in the correct “educated” action. Its function is therefore to check ones learning of the process that made the Karmic link in the […]
Incarnate mankind exists in a 2 year sphere, only relating to that which occurred in previous event spaces up to 12 months previously and that event space which relates to ones plans within the next 12 months. Existing in this way results in the constant exposure to similar or same experiences, should one not be […]