A more insidious form of karma can be observed in the need to collude. Collusion is that which mankind does to seek favour from others, to be part of “the” team, “the” group or someone of influence, who’s association with, we think will be of benefit to ourselves in some social, business or egotistical way, giving us the “upper […]
Avoid being pulled into gossip. Never start gossip. Gossip is the most effective way to accrue negative karma experienced by mankind.
Be of good cheer whilst incarnate. Surround yourself with like minded individuals and avoid those who drag you down by enticing you to be part of lower frequency actions.
Stand back and consider the motivation behind your actions. Is it based upon need or greed, is it based upon service or selfishness. Any action that is based upon physical motivation is an attraction to negative karma.
We are now at max capacity for a video conference via SKYPE (the max being 24 attendees for a single conference). Those who are close enough with someone who is on the list to share a computer else of course participate. Others can tune in via the event space created on facebook (which is not subject to […]
Be of service to those who need help. Be of service in a selfless way that does not demand reward. Being of service in general creates positive karma (attraction to the higher frequencies), but be careful not to get into the mindset that suggests that you will be rewarded at some time, for this creates […]
Love your enemy like you love yourself, for your enemy is your “self”. Recognition of the fact that we are all “one” and one with God removes the need to identify someone as our enemy. How can they truly be our enemy when they are just another part of us! Recognition of this reality, and taking action […]
Look at what you need in life versus what you want in life. If your need is less than your want then you have a potential for accruing the lower frequencies, or Karma, associated with the attraction to ownership of physical belongings. This is a function of Karma which is never satisfied, for the more […]