Karma is a function of attraction to the physical, and yes Karma also works in/with our interface with the digital reality because it is a function of the physical. Because it is a function of the physical it is also a potential addiction, serving to anchor us to the physical.
Hi All, If the members of World Satsanga SKYPE conference (first one is 31st March 2012 ‘ 10.00pm GMT) are in agreement I will Record the SKYPE Meet-up (audio) and link it to the World Satsanga Group in FB so that people can link in to the “Event Space” even if they did not manage […]
The first stage in avoiding karma is not to react to the taunts and jibes of those we interface with, but to see them as beings on an evolutionary path, as we are. Look beneath the words and actions of the accuser for the greater meaning. Be that of tolerant and benevolent observer, understanding the experience of […]
Dear All, Please find below a link to a wonderful review of The History of God, by Sherri Cortland, Author of “Windows of Opportunity” and “Raising our Vibrations” for the New Age. http://www.examiner.com/metaphysical-in-orlando/the-history-of-god-review Blessing to you all Guy
Dear All, I am speaking at both Transformation Conferences this year, Rogers Arkansas USA and London UK. I will also be holding a “Traversing the Frequencies” workshop, teaching people to “do what I do” at the end of The Rogers conference on Monday the 16th July 2012. More details to follow. Everyone is welcome. Follow […]
Hi everyone, For those interested in joining the SKYPE based World Satsanga but either don’t have SKYPE installed or are struggling to use it the links below (in order of excellence and ease of presentation of how to set –up SKYPE ) explain and walk you through setting up and inviting contacts. When you have […]
Hi Everyone, Great news, The interest in the World Enlightenment SKYPE conference has been great, and we are progressing. Interestingly enough, due to a discussion with a dear friend we have now changed the name to “World Satsanga” which is more in keeping with the objective of a world-wide group of “like minded people” who […]
Hi Everyone, I am now running a series of workshops that will teach the devotee the methods I developed to create a robust and consistent communicative link with the Source Entity – God. Workshop details, including locations, costs, dates and times, can be found in the “Workshops” sub directory under the “Events” Tab. Flyer’s for […]
Dear All, Please find below a link to a great Podcast created by Glenn Pendleton, Host of the Podcast website “The Sons Of The Law Of One” http://www.thesonsofthelawofone.com. Its a fantastic way to spend a chilled out hour. (Look for March 3rd, Episode Sixty Seven – “The Source Entity”) http://www.thesonsofthelawofone.com/thesonsofthelawo.html Stay Light – Guy
Hi Everyone, I am setting up a SKYPE conference for “like minded people” who are interested in becoming self aware and enlightened to join. This will be on a weekly/bi-weekly basis at a time in the day that can be used by most people world-wide. There will be a common agenda but it will include […]